The Adventures of Captain Nipples and Poncho Ponchius

Episode 2

The Search for Quigmond


The police had done all that they could. They had searched high and low for the missing rubber ducky. “Why me?” asked Devin, the victim of this story. “What kind of evil women would do this, and I hope that they’re not using Quigmond for nasty, kinky sex. WHY COULDN’T THEY HAVE TAKEN ME?!?!” Suddenly there was a flash in the sky as Captain Nipples and Poncho Ponchius flew down to the street below. “Where is he? Where is my Quigmond? I miss his soft feathers and his kis&ldots; uh karate skills.” “so..he had impressive karate skills?” asked Captain Nipples. “Poncho Ponchius, do you know anything about this missing ducky?” “Let me see,” said Ponchius. He reached under his poncho and rummaged around. (It is amazing how much you can carry under a see-through pancho) “Is this it?” as he pulled out a chewbacca mug. “NO!!!!” shouted Devin “I HATE ANYTHING NAMED CHEWIE!!!” “oh.. well then” said Ponchius “is this it?” and he pulled out the rubber ducky. “QUIGMOND!!! OH QUIGMOND, where have you been?” “Sorry” said Poncho Ponchius “I was using it to shave my buttocks.” “ YOU JERK!!!” shouted Devin, “YOU STOLE MY DUCK!!!” And with that Devin hit Poncho Ponchius in the head with a hard object that turned out to be a soft pretzel from the Kasey College cafeteria. Then Poncho Pontius died. “So” Captain Nipples asked Quigmond, “you wanna go get a sandwich?” “I’m in!” shouted Poncho Ponchius.